Smoking HOT Cloud Accounting

NetWise was founded in 2003 to help business keep more of their profits by spending less time and money on their Technology needs.

 “Don’t Be A Victim of Technology”™

NetWise is now the Authorized representative for Adilas in Louisville Kentucky taking Customer Management to a whole new level. By leveraging the power of the Internet and Cloud Based Computing FREE your company for the daily headaches of the “Old School” Servers and Networks.

If you answer YES to any of these questions you can save money with Adilas:

   1. Do you need to apply update and patches to your Customer Management Software?
   2. Is your Accounting software updated month or annually?
   3. Do you have to go to the “Office” to see your business financials or Run Payroll?
   4. Do you have to upgrade your computer hardware?
   5. Do you have a Gap between Accounting and Operations or Inventory?
   6. Are you tired of running multiple software packages to run your business?

Then Adilas might be what you have been looking for all of these years, it was that way for me. After 30 years in the Technology field I have finally found the ONE software package that WILL give the complete picture of my business. Point of Sale POS, Purchase orders to Inventory to Accounts payable to Accounts receivables, I now KNOW were the Pennies have gone!

"Track every Penny in and track every Penny out"

Call today: 502.216.2878 
Click on our contact form for more information


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